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Fujian Golden Bamboo Industry., Ltd. is a professional bamboo products manufacturer in China. The main products include bamboo decking, bamboo flooring, bamboo wall cladding, bamboo horse stable planks, bamboo joists, bamboo fences, etc. As the outdoor bamboo decking supplier, the oversea market covers the US, EU, Mideast, Australia, Asia, South America, etc.


Our company focuses on leisure space, bridge engineering, villa design, all the projects are depended on the local climate and demand. The bamboo decking has a very high density, which is not easy to wear and tear and is impossible for insects to infest. In addition, the smooth, flat surface of this bamboo cannot change form so it always maintains its natural excellent shape. 



REBO Bamboo Outdoor Decking
REBO Bamboo DIY Decking
REBO Bamboo Flooring
REBO Bamboo Wall Cladding
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